Thursday, June 22, 2006

Sunday at Five, June 25th, 2006

For the rest of the summer we intend to offer the Lord's Supper at 5pm for anyone who wishes to attend. This will be followed by potluck at 6pm and a discussion or study at 7pm.

At the end of August we intend to launch public worship in Comox on Sunday mornings, details to follow. We will be running small groups/housechurch/marriage course etc this fall, probably Sunday evenings, and Bible study on Wednesday evenings in co-operation with Youth For Christ. Stay tuned!

Discipleship team on Tuesdays will resume in September along with Youth Unlimited Underground on Wednesdays.

Please pray for the summer Youth Unlimited camps: for strength for the leaders,safety for all, and for young people to respond to God's Spirit.

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