Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Confirming Faith Week 10: Sunday at Five.

Thanks Tom for last week's discussion on living as a Christian.
This Sunday at Five we meet for communion, followed by supper at six and discussion at 6:45 at the Bowlers.

Here are Martin's notes for this week:

Following on from our recent discussion formats, here are some points tothink about for Sunday. Perhaps we can come prepared to discusssome/all/any of these. I have tried to attach some relevant scriptures hereand there, so maybe we could think about the question or statement and thenlook up the scripture.


1. What is prayer? Matt. 7:7-112. Why pray? Luke 18:13. How should we pray? Matt 6:9-134. Where should we pray? Acts 12:1-55. What gets in the way of prayer? 1Pet.3:7 (One example, can you thinkof others?)6. Does God answer all prayers? John 15:7

Perhaps we could consider separately each of the three sentences in thequotation below and relate them to our own prayer life. "I pray because I can't help myself. I pray because I'm helpless, I praybecause the need flows out of me all the time, waking and sleeping. Itdoesn't change God, it changes me."C.S. Lewis


1. Look up the word worship. What does it actually mean?2. Is worship different from prayer? How?3. What does it mean to worship God in spirit and truth? (John4:20-24)4. Is there a special time to worship God?5. Is it better to worship God on one's own or with other Christians?Look up one or all of these references. What is wrong with the worship ineach of them?Deut. 17:3Ex. 34:14Deut. 32:17Rom. 1:25Dan. 3:5-15Acts. 10:25,26Rev. 13:3-13Could we, (do we) worship in this way today?If you'd care to, make up a prayer to share with our group, One you couldread aloud.

Maybe you could use the letters in PRAYER, or WORSHIP as anacrostic on which to base your prayer. E.g..Prayer for CoolPraise you Lord for your love and faithfulness. You are ourRuler and our Lord. Accept our prayers. MayYour will be done in our lives,Each day as we live it.Reign over us in love. This should give us lots to talk about. Feel free to make your ownadditions to this as the Lord moves you to.

See you Sunday,Martin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This blog Confirming Faith Week 10: Sunday at Five. is a great place for Spiritual. Thanks Church of Our Lord.